So I was reading an article about an interview where they wrote the solution with a NN. Which you can read here.

I don’t have time to look into if this can be done with brain.js so instead here is a functional style solution


So the rules of the game are simple, any number divisible by three is replaced by the word fizz and any number divisible by five by the word buzz. Numbers divisible by 15 become fizz buzz. To make it functional I am not allowed to use if and no for loops.

So as with most of the code, I write I will be making heavy use of ramda


So first we need to take an input, this will be 100 as we will be using the numbers 1 - 100 and as ranges are exclusive we will simply add 1 to the input so that it includes all the numbers as you would expect

import * as R from 'ramda';

const fizzBuzz = R.pipe(

so now we have a single function fizzBuzz that we can drop any number into and get all the numbers up to and including it. Next on the list is to create a function that will take a number n and return the correct string based on the rules above. I am not allowed to use ifs but luckily ramda has a perfect function called cond [[(*… → Boolean),(*… → *)]] → (*… → *).

This function looks complicated but it’s rather simple, it takes an array of arrays where the first function should return true/false if it returns true then the second function is called. Example if the input number is over 80 return a message ‘It is over 80’ else ‘it is not over 80’

const message = R.cond([
    (n) => n > 80,
    () => 'It is over 80',
    // this is put `default` like in a switch case
    () => true,
    () => 'it is not over 80'

message(85) // 'It is over 80'
message(2) // 'it is not over 80'

so let’s get adding it

const checkFizzBuzz = R.cond([
    (n: number) => R.equals(0, n % 15),
    () => 'Fizz Buzz',
    (n: number) => R.equals(0, n % 5),
    () => 'Buzz',
    (n: number) => R.equals(0, n % 3),
    () => 'Fizz',
    (n: number) => n,

R.T is simply a function that regardless of input always returns true, this replaces the () => true

next to loop over each number and pass it to checkFizzBuzz for this we will use a map so let’s update our pipe to map each number to the function

const fizzBuzz = R.pipe(

and we are done :)

import * as R from 'ramda';
const checkFizzBuzz = R.cond([
    (n: number) => R.equals(0, n % 15),
    () => 'Fizz Buzz',
    (n: number) => R.equals(0, n % 5),
    () => 'Buzz',
    (n: number) => R.equals(0, n % 3),
    () => 'Fizz',
    (n: number) => n,
const fizzBuzz = R.pipe(



  1,      2,      'Fizz',      4,      'Buzz', 'Fizz',
  7,      8,      'Fizz',      'Buzz', 11,     'Fizz',
  13,     14,     'Fizz Buzz', 16,     17,     'Fizz',
  19,     'Buzz', 'Fizz',      22,     23,     'Fizz',
  'Buzz', 26,     'Fizz',      28,     29,     'Fizz Buzz',
  31,     32,     'Fizz',      34,     'Buzz', 'Fizz',
  37,     38,     'Fizz',      'Buzz', 41,     'Fizz',
  43,     44,     'Fizz Buzz', 46,     47,     'Fizz',
  49,     'Buzz', 'Fizz',      52,     53,     'Fizz',
  'Buzz', 56,     'Fizz',      58,     59,     'Fizz Buzz',
  61,     62,     'Fizz',      64,     'Buzz', 'Fizz',
  67,     68,     'Fizz',      'Buzz', 71,     'Fizz',
  73,     74,     'Fizz Buzz', 76,     77,     'Fizz',
  79,     'Buzz', 'Fizz',      82,     83,     'Fizz',
  'Buzz', 86,     'Fizz',      88,     89,     'Fizz Buzz',
  91,     92,     'Fizz',      94,     'Buzz', 'Fizz',
  97,     98,     'Fizz',      'Buzz'